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Explanation of the Timeline for Your Food Pouches Packaging

Pouch bags are an excellent choice for packaging because they are durable, flexible, easy to store, fun to use, and can also be branded with vibrant colors. They are also cheaper Food Pouches Packagingthan other packaging options but what about the time it takes to make them? Don't they take a while to make? Actually, not really, and companies interested in using our bags for their products will be very interested in knowing that we take just five to six and a half weeks to deliver branded flexible food packaging right to their door. We do all of our orders as quick as possible and follow a timeline that starts as soon as artwork is approved. Once that happens, we make cylinders and begin production. This occurs during the first week of the process. During the second week, we make a film proof, do film lamination on the third week, and make the stand up packaging on the fourth week of the procedure.

Shortly after that fourth week, we can also ship a partial number of finished bags before delivering the entire order. We do this because we know how important it is to have that branded packaging on hand, especially when it is needed for a trade show, or can be shown to distributors and sales people. If a partial is sent, we deliver the rest of the order by five to six and a half weeks.

To learn more about the benefits of our packaging solutions, please see this and our other videos.


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