Hardly! In fact, spouted stand up pouches are just getting started here in the US. Overseas, the push for reduction in the amount of "packaging" used has been a few years ahead of the United States, but without question that movement is on it's way. BBQ Sauce?
Honey? Vodka? Spouted stand up pouches, also known as spouted bags or spouted stand up bags, accomplish one the of the main tenets of the environmental movement, or the 3Rs, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Spouted bags help companies reduce the amount of plastic and/or packaging they use. Whether they are changing from a rigid plastic pail or bottle into a flexible spouted bag or maybe they are eliminating a bag inside of a box or even using a spouted stand bag instead of a glass jar, all of these options are using efficient, cutting edge, and attractive packaging while at the same time helping our environment.
In this months Packaging Digest, once again Method Dish Soap is showing the world their commitment to flexible packaging with large refill packs for their plastic pump containers. What's cool is they've incorporated a rigid spine into the packaging to create a type of handle for easier discharge. NOTE, we did NOT make this spouted pouch. However, we support all efforts of making and using stand up pouches, stock and plain, printed and custom.
It has been proven that the best way to help our environment is with Reduction...reducing the amount of packaging is far and away better than reusing and recycling. NOTE, I'm not minimizing how important the other Rs are, however nothing comes cose to reduction! Spouted stand up pouches are landfill friendly and recyclable too.
Spouted stand up pouches are made from multiple layers of engineered barrier films laminated together. These films create the stability for the pouch to hold liquid and stand erect on a store shelf. Further, by design, the spouted stand bag has a wide face and back which provides a generous amount of space for an applied label but better yet custom printing. Bold, dynamic, Rotogravure printed pouches that tell the world why your product is so great.
Protect your product, build your brand, protect our environment, and build your business all using spouted stand up pouches. Want to learn more?