Just today it was announced that global powerhouses Kraft and 3M developed a new testing procedure to monitor lactic acid bacteria levels in food as a way of helping ass.

Food safety is critical to everyone, regardless if it is an individual concern or something involving an entire country. Just recently our US FDA (Food and Drug Administ.
Just today it was announced that global powerhouses Kraft and 3M developed a new testing procedure to monitor lactic acid bacteria levels in food as a way of helping ass.
Cereal, the morning staple for years, obviously comes in all shapes and sizes. Cereal packaging is no different. Cereal packaging has historically been the outer paper ca.
Was flipping channels this evening and found an interesting program on CNBC, Supermarkets Inc. This program details the incredible competitiveness of the supermarket ind.
We live in a me too society, and cereal packaging is no different. Unlike certain types of segments of the breakfast food industry such as granola or even oatmeal, cereal.
Because stand up bags are made using flexible film, many people assume they are just "stronger" versions of ziplock bags they would buy to package their sandwich or other.
Let's face it, were are in the midst of difficult economic times, even in the world of stand up pouches and packaging. Companies are looking to find ways to improve thei.
Want a reason why cereal packaging using stand up pouches is a great idea? Sanity. No, really. If a person lives with anyone else, this packaging can help maintain domest.
As anyone can tell, we are obsessed with all things stand up bags! We are determined to keep telling the world about this unique style of flexible packaging. Stand up bag.
Spouted stand up pouches, also known as spouted stand bags, are unique in the packaging industry in that they are made to hold and contain liquids of all sorts, syrups, .
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