While many of our clients use stand up pouches, also known as stand bags or stand up bags, for retail products such as cereal, popcorn, or even candy, a growing segment .

One of the cool things about being in the packaging business is friends and family constantly ask, "How do I package this," or "I have a cake mix that I'm thinking of se.
While many of our clients use stand up pouches, also known as stand bags or stand up bags, for retail products such as cereal, popcorn, or even candy, a growing segment .
The cereal and granola market continue to grow in North America and protecting them with printed stand pouches, also known as stand up pouches or stand bags, is a critic.
The beauty of stand up bags, also known as stand bags or stand up pouches, is their ability to package any number of food related products. Initially these stand pouches.
While I’ve written extensively about stand up pouches, otherwise known as stand up bags or stand bags, admittedly I assumed (which is dangerous) that people knew what I .
While I have no proof that Bear Naked Granola packaged in stand up bags started a new trend in the packaging industry, I bet I'm right. I cannot tell you how many times .
While an applied label is nice and certainly has its advantages which we’ll describe in greater detail in coming posts, custom printed stand up pouches have the ability .
Do you have an amazing product just screaming to be placed on the store shelves at Whole Foods or your local grocer? It could be a homemade rice pilaf or an all natural .
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