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Top Tips for Effective Breakfast Cereal Packaging Design


Breakfast cereal started out with simply corn or bran flakes growing into the vase variety of other grains and is often combined with dried fruits, nuts and other ingredients. A walk down the cereal aisle at any grocery store presents customers with array of mind-numbing choices.  Competing in this arena makes it difficult to capture a greater number of customers in this market. Yet it is possible to distinguish your cereal line from your competition and build your sales. Using stand up bags to package your product is one way to stand out and build your brand.


The traditional form of packaging cereal has been boxes which come with some obvious shortcomings. 

  1. Customers have no idea how much is in that box on the shelf, often being "surprised" to find that the contents of the box are much smaller than the box it is in. This is because they aren’t able to see the product. 

  2. Boxes that get wet became ineffective packaging after that. They create a wet counter or just crumble and need to be thrown out. 

  3. The interior wax-like bag isn’t reseal able which allows the cereal to get stale or doesn’t protect from insects.

  4. The boxes always take up the same amount of shelf space, no matter how little of the contents are left.

Stand up bags have none of these problems. The bag design creates a sturdy, waterproof and puncture resistant container. Multiple layers of specially formulated film are laminated together to create a barrier ideal for keeping things out while locking freshness and flavor in.

Stand up bags 'decrease' in size when customers empty out portions of the bag, which not only leaves more space on the shelf and also shows your customer just how much (or how little) cereal is left. No matter how wet the counter, your cereal will remain dry.

When it comes to extending the shelf life of your product, stand up bags are available with zip lock closures which ensure that freshness and flavor are locked in (and bugs are locked out!).

Your sales will benefit from the versatile display options of stand up bags by either be standing up on the shelf or suspended from round or sombrero-style hang holes.

The bag construction yields wide front and back panels, perfect for affixing your labels or ordering custom printing of your text and graphics in up to 10 colors.


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