While an applied label is nice and certainly has its advantages which we’ll describe in greater detail in coming posts, custom printed stand up pouches have the ability to vault a company to the next level on a retailer’s store shelf, increase their sales, and dramatically help build brand awareness. The problem has “historically” been custom printed stand up bags were for the “big boys”, the huge 900 pound gorillas in the industry who could afford them and afford to purchase 50,000 pieces (as a minimum) which kept the small and medium size companies at a disadvantage when trying to compete. Regardless of how good the small and medium size firm’s products were, the “perception” was they weren’t as good because they didn’t have the fancy, bold, eye catching custom printed stand up pouches the bigger companies did. Until now! They were at a disadvantage, but not anymore. The best way to describe stand up pouches, stock and plain or custom and printed is through a hypothetical Case Study with our client Steve. Steve has a company called Super Rice Pilaf.
Download Free eBook: Succeeding with Custom Printed Pouches

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