Have you considered packaging? Think about it. What if you
A stand up bag offers all those things. Also called stand bags, and custom printed stand bags, stand up pouches provide the ideal way for you to ship, store and sell your potpourri while strengthening your brand. Constructed of multiple layers of scientifically designed barrier film, stand bags are durable and puncture resistant. The bags protect the contents from odor, vapor and moisture, all of which will, of course, ruin potpourri.
With available tear notches, opening is easy. And zip lock closures ensure that the fragrance is preserved, fresh for a very long time, something which will obviously appeal to your customers.
This potpourri packaging really shines when it comes to actually affixing your brand. Because the bag construction yields wide front and back panels, there is ample space to apply company labels. Better yet, you can have the bags custom printed with almost anything you want. Either way, there is enough room for product data, company information, even language promoting your other products.
Your brand will also benefit if you utilize stand up bags by appealing to the "green"shopper, those consumers who base their buying decisions, at least partially, on the policies a company has regarding the environment. Stand bags are not only recyclable, they have a minimal impact in a landfill, important because the component of the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) most effective on minimizing our environmental impact is reduce.
Stand up bags, stock and plain or custom and printed... sweet-smelling way to build your potpourri brand. Want to learn more?