Rice is sold in boxes and bags, and often sits upon one shelf after another in the store. The competition is stiff (even if the bags aren't!). How, then,do you build your rice brand to distinguish it from all the others and have it become synonymous with quality?
By using the most innovative and effective packaging available. When you use stand up bags, you are proving to the consumer that you prioritize quality, freshness and convenience. Also called stand bags, printed stand up bags and Mylarâ„¢ bags, these bags stand out from the competition. How? Because their unique design enables them to stand up on the shelves.
Constructed by laminating together multiple layers of scientifically designed barrier film,
Not only will consumers identify the uniqueness of stand up bags with your brand, you can accentuate that brand with your labeling. Stand bag construction yields wide front and back panels that provide ample room for you to apply labels. Or, if you like, you can custom print text and graphics in up to 10 colors directly on the bags. Think of that. Room for you to present product data, company information and even advertising of your other product lines in whatever creative way you choose. It's even possible to 'calibrate' the bag with markings that measure the contents so the cook always knows how much rice is left.
Your brand will be further enhanced by the fact that stand up pouches are recyclable. Of perhaps equal importance is the fact that this packaging takes up very little space in a landfill. Both factors are sure to provide comfort to your 'green' customers.
Stand up bag rice packaging: A sure way to cook up brand recognition. Learn more now!