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10% Off On Side Gusseted Coffee Bags | Stand Up Pouches

Side Gusseted Coffee Bags

Did you know U.S. consumers drink 400 million cups of coffee each day?

That’s a whole lot of java, and the continuous need for this hot beverage means great things for roasters — and the coffee packaging market as well. Americans consume the most coffee globally, and exports are estimated to be worth $4 billion this year, per research by ReportLinker.

Because coffee is in such high demand, the need for durable, protective whole bean coffee packaging and bags for ground coffee is more important than ever. Some brands continue to go the traditional route, packaging their roasts in rigid tins or plastic tubs, but the companies truly setting themselves apart and getting their coffee out on the market quickly are embracing lightweight pouches that are easier to ship and keep their product fresher longer.

Starbucks Coffee Packaging

Consumer research has indicated time and time again that modern shoppers prefer packaging solutions that are easy to open, convenient to store in their homes, re-closable to lock in freshness and flavor, and are visually appealing. Sticking to the old way of packaging coffee is simply going to leave brands in the dust as new, forward-thinking companies emerge with solutions that meet changing consumer desires and keep retailers satisfied.

Why is coffee packaging so important? Not only does it preserve delicate grounds and beans and keep them safeguarded during the shipping and distribution process, it also serves as the initial visual cue linking consumers to particular brands and products. On their own, the majority of coffee grounds, beans, and brewed liquid look the same, but it’s the outside package that differentiates one roast, blend, and brand from another before people are able to taste it. Brands have about three seconds to catch a coffee drinker’s attention in a crowded retail space, and finding the whole bean coffee packaging that lends well to vibrant, creative designs and offers plenty of space for logos, informational text, and roasting suggestions is going to pique a consumer’s interest much faster and more effectively than a bland, nondescript tub or tin.

Think of one of the most successful coffee megabrands in the world… Did Starbucks come to mind? There’s the old joke that a Starbucks can be found on every corner, but this cliché is truly what adds to the corporation’s success. You can spot a Starbucks easily, and both their cafes and products saturate regions across the world. Starbucks pays very careful attention to the coffee drinker’s experience in their shops and cafes, using aroma, lighting, music and other sensory signals to attract coffee drinkers and distinguish the Starbucks brand from other roasters. Likewise, they focus on the distinct designs on their bags for ground coffee to make their roasts easily identifiable in stores.

Starbucks uses side gusseted coffee bags to keep their grounds and beans fresh and protected. This major, modern brand — one that has paved away for many other coffee companies around the world — recognized the quality structural components and appealing visual aspects of using pouches for their products, rather than hefty cylindrical tubs or tins. As such, they have raised the bar for other roasters as consumers actively seek out lightweight, flexible coffee packaging that won’t take up too much space in their homes or produce a ton of excess waste.

To help coffee brands compete with major players like Starbucks, we are offering a special promotion on high-quality, stock side gusseted coffee bags in our online store. Through the entire month of December, customers can shop online, using promo code CoffeeBags10 at checkout, to receive 10% off an entire case of side gusseted coffee bags in a wide range of colors, sizes, and finishes. 

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Note: All orders must be placed online with the coupon code specified above. This promotion cannot be combined with any additional coupons or offers. Ground shipping only. Lead times on some products may be 1 or 2 weeks, depending on inventory levels. You will still receive the discount when the order ships. This discount applies to side gusseted coffee bags only.

coffee packaging guide

(Image Sources: The Packaging Insider, Starbucks)



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