Another nightmare scenario: what happens when a baby jar or bottle breaks while out on the road with baby in tow? The cleanup mess is not only a pain, but it can also be a safety issue. Also think about where baby food jars and containers are kept. Glass jars and plastic boxes can easily take up a huge amount of space in kitchen cabinets and baby bags.
Alternatively, baby food pouch storage is a snap. The durable and flexible barrier film stands up on cabinet and store shelves allowing for more pouches to be stored. When placed in tote bags, it can easily fit in tight spaces without adding a lot of extra weight.
When building your brand it is important to look at your baby food product from the eyes of a parent. By considering how they feed their babies and bring them along on errands and trips, you’ll be aware of how your product packaging can make their lives easier. Stand up pouches will help you compete with the big boys who pack their brands within traditional jars and boxes. You can make a difference by using our innovative packaging to increase your sales for retail success.