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Nestle’s Candy Bar Evolution: Innovation with Flexible Bags

Caramac in Flexible Candy Packaging

For the first time in the company’s history, Nestle has moved away from its traditional candy bar shape in favor of smaller edible “buttons.”

Its Caramac brand is evolving from its classic caramel-flavored rectangular shape and will be available in mini round pieces as part of Nestle’s plan to encourage consumers to make their candy part of a social experience. A key consumer trend is sharing treats with friends, and snack packaging plays a huge role in taking food on the go and offering it to others. 

Not only has Nestle downsized and reshaped this particular candy bar, it also chose flat bottom bags to present the new version in a way that effectively communicates these changes. Caramac has had a huge following in the United Kingdom for the last 50 years, so changing up the classic look and feel of the product is risky. However, choosing snack packaging that allows people to easily transport and share their candy without worrying about it breaking, melting, or going stale is going to win over loyal fans – it shows the company is paying attention to their customer’s changing lifestyles and is adjusting its product line accordingly.

Flexible box bags for snack packaging allow Nestle to keep the same colors and graphics consumers associate with their Caramac candies while best protecting their newly shaped treats. The multiple layers of laminated film and solid structure will keep the product safe from breakage, moisture, vapor, and light, which can deteriorate its quality.

Because Nestle is such a giant global brand, it has the ability to change the entire candy industry with this innovative form of snack packaging.

Nestle LogoCompanies don’t have to completely do away with the classic candy bar – rather, they can downsize their sweets, individually wrap them if they prefer, then present them in flexible snack packaging so they stay fresh longer and are protected from puncture or any outside contaminants. We’ve seen how mini, bite-size food has grown in popularity, and flexible retail packaging, like stick packs and pouches, have become the preferred choice for many businesses looking for new ways to present their smaller, sharable products.

Food and beverage companies that are truly advancing to the forefront of their industries are strategically blending tradition with innovation, using their classic branding to help introduce new products and ideas to the masses. Caramac is a beloved brand that has a broad enough appeal to attract a whole new consumer base. Presenting the newly shaped candies in modern, unique flexible box bags helps Nestle update its product while securing it in efficient, easy-to-use packaging that is conducive to user trends. This is a step in the right direction, and it can inspire other companies to rethink the way their product is presented and stay ahead of the curve.

(Image Source: Talking Retail)

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