(1) Thicker is not equal to better.
Thicker bags do not always provide extra protection. It is the zipper which decides how protective a packaging is. You may be paying unnecessarily for the thickness you do not need. If you are a large consumer of stand up bags, you can save a lot of money by removing one or two layers from your packaging. A word of caution here – it is advisable to consult your pouch manufacturer before removal or addition of layers.
(2) Pouch manufacturers can make a difference
Listen to them. They know what they are doing. Pouch makers are experts in their industry. They can guide you. If you think you are paying more for your pouches, talk to them. Ask them to suggest a packaging which will lower the cost without compromising on either usability and packaging quality. At StandUpPouches.net, we will be glad to help you. We have a five-step strategy which includes making sure that you get the best packaging for your product.
(3) Try different materials
A stand up pouch is essentially a laminated film plastic pouch. It is made from several layers of plastic, aluminum, and other materials. Experiment with different materials. You can try a different plastic film, or blend two layers in such a way that increases strength.
(4) Try the stock option
If customized zipper plastic bags seem to be expensive, you can try stock pouch packaging. We offer a huge range of stock sizes and shapes. You can easily locate one among them that fits your business requirements.
(5) Order more
Order more and the per pouch cost will come down. You can order as much as a month's extra pouches. As empty stand up bags do not occupy much space, you will not be increasing your inventory costs.
These five methods can help you save even more on your packaging costs. To get a cost estimate, contact us and we’ll let you know.