With recent increases in worldwide travel by everyone from students to seniors, people are bringing back their love of exotic food to North America. No longer are we interested in sticking to the plain cooking we’re used to. We want fusion cuisine! That’s why flexible food packaging is so handy – it offers a simple solution to storing everything from papaya juice to curry paste.
Curry paste is a mix of spices stored in vegetable oil, used in Asian countries like India, Thailand and China. There are a lot of different kinds of curry paste out there. The common factor is that they’re strong and spicy – you can mix them with coconut milk or cream, water or soup stock to create a delicious sauce for rice or noodles. Spouted pouches offer the possibility of using just the necessary amount, screwing on the cap and putting it back in the fridge for next time.
Every cook knows that the real hassle is the mess left over from making a great meal for your friends. So it’s great that stand up bags are so easy to use and store. They take up less space and are unlikely to slop and spill all over the counter. A bonus for those of us who are taking on the clean-up!