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Granola Packaging That Protects As Well As Performs

Crapola Granola PackagingGranola continues to be hugely popular with the older generation (like me) but did you know low sugar alternatives are successful with kids too?  Granola packaging is critical to the success of granola sales.  There, I said it.  I don't care that anyone feels its the taste and the ingredients and love that has gone into baking and creating the granola, I KNOW all those things are important, but if the granola packaging isn't right, it won't sell as effectively as it could.  Sure, granola will sell at farmer's markets or little kiosks at the mall, but if a
granola manufacturer really wants to succeed, they need packaging that protects as well as performs.

Stand up pouches, also known as stand bags or stand up bags, are the perfect solution for granola packaging.  There are stock stand up pouches available in any number of sizes and colors that a small manufacturer can use and apply a label to and quickly be in business. Custom printed stand bags are the ultimate granola packaging in that they really can build a company's image and brand awareness with eye catching graphics and images that shout LOOK AT ME or better yet, BUY ME!

Stand up bags are made from multiple layers of barrier film laminated together that create the strength for the pouch to stand effectively on as store shelf, instead of needing to lay down flat, but even more importantly these multiple layers create the barrier protection to keep the granola fresh, lock in the flavors, and eliminate odor,moisture or even ultra-violet light which could damage the product itself. 

Granola packaging using stand up pouches perform the task of creating a "billboard" where granola packaging usng stand up bagsthe usable space on the pouch front and pouch back can have printing, images, or both that describe the contents and what makes the granola so special.  Further, using stand bags eliminates the need for multiple types of packaging such as a bag in a box or a bag inside of another bag that manufacturers tend to think is needed.  Better yet, stand up pouches for granola packaging are easily made with ziplocks and tear notches as well as hang holes and even pour spouts if necessary.  All of these options add up to consumer convenience and consumer confidence in your granola.

Granola taste is certainly key, however granola packaging that protects and performs in conjunction with your product's great taste could be the knockout punch for your competitors.


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