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In Packaging

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Essential Articles on Stand-Up Pouches for Your Business

Still having problems figuring out the perfect packaging for food? Or maybe you have an idea of how you want your ideal package to look but don't know much about food packaging materials?

Food Packaging Materials

As far as food packaging materials go, we have a few that we rely on heavily. We are also always looking for better combinations of materials to make even sturdier bags. The following article will tell you more about how our pouches are so thick and resistant to punctures. Here's a hint: barrier film, barrier film, barrier film! Read more here:

Custom Packaging for Food

So you're ready with all your ideas for branding your product? You have a color scheme, idea of the size of bags you'd like, and you know which material would best hold your product. Do you know much about our custom-printed disposable food containers though? Have you looked at our Artwork Guidelines to make sure the design you've created for flexible food packaging meets them? No worries. Not only will we help you choose the flexible food packaging of your dreams, but we will also help you find the type of packaging for food that works best for your product.

Features of Our Packaging for Food

Did you know at Stand Up Pouches we offer a variety of features you can add to our flexible food packaging? As frozen food packaging suppliers, it is absolutely essential that we provide heavy duty ziplocks for your pouches. Why? Well, when you use a frozen product, isn't it nice to zip up the remainder of the package and store it for future use? Some frozen food packaging suppliers rely on cheap materials that you have to use a bag clip on to keep closed. This just isn't fair. If you have a customer paying for your product, he or she should be paying for the whole package (get it?). That package should have the most apt features on it for convenience's sake. Don't miss out. Read more the features we can provide you.

Relevant Industry Tips of Packing for Food

New to the food or retail industry? That's not a problem. We have a multitude of tips and guides that aim to help you out. These tips are tailored to the specific market you're targeting, as well as the type of packaging that would be best for your exact product. Whether you need disposable food containers or some nylon combination bags for holding heavier products, we can help you. Find out just how.

...and More!

Maybe you just don't know much about our services or how we operate to begin with. That's perfectly ok and is why we have written so many articles and created so many videos – to help you better understand us. Here are quite a few miscellaneous articles worth checking out.


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