When considering how to market a food product, many manufacturers are turning to social media to improve the visibility and desirability of their products in today’s competitive marketplace.
Revolution Foods is one company using its social media presence to drive their products to the next level. Social media star and reggae artist Macka B has featured Revolution Foods’ protein powders in his popular weekly video series, “Wha Me Eat Wednesday,” and as a result, has driven the products’ following to new heights.
Macka B’s videos are a clever, poetic tribute to plant-based nutrition, a message which is already perfectly in line with Revolution Foods’ target audience. In connecting their products to an already well-known social media presence, Revolution Foods was able to expand their exposure to a much greater market.
Social media platforms allow consumers to share their interest in a product with one another in a fluid manner, by “sharing” or ”re-posting” suggested content, to effectively present products to an audience already likely to find it appealing. The result is that companies can reach their target audiences more effectively, and thus, simultaneously grow their following both on social media and in the marketplace at large.
By focusing on social media as a major component of their marketing strategies, companies like Revolution Foods are able to show (rather than tell) their consumers how their products can be used.
The platform also allows them to highlight how effective the products are for actual consumers, who can post their own content about their experiences with the brand and its offerings.
When a positive post from an actual consumer is shared on social media, it can not only show other potential customers that the product is desirable, but also that it actually works.
By allowing users to choose what they see, follow and “like,” social media also connects customers with products based on what they already value.
Consumers who are interested in health and wellness are more likely to buy a health food product, so by maintaining a strong social media presence, companies like Revolution Foods are more likely to reach customers who have an interest in their products.
Similarly, social media has the ability to seamlessly connect people and products in such a way that a strong social media campaign also operates like a “testimonial” for a company's offerings. A brand like Revolution Foods, with a high number of active followers, is attractive because it shows that other consumers are already interested in a product, effectively creating a sense of “buzz.”
Each social media platform is a highly visual medium, so creating a marketing strategy that emphasizes a visual approach is critical for brands that are looking to stand out. Packaging that can grab the attention of a consumer as they scroll through social media is essential for taking products to the next level of visibility in the marketplace.
Through custom packaging that employs a careful attention to visual impact, Revolution Foods has found a way to drive up their products’ appeal. By utilizing bright, high-contrast, custom-printed stand-up pouch packaging to draw attention to their products, the nutrition brand has improved its presence in today’s highly visual marketplace.
The choice of colors employed on the “Wha Me Eat” protein powder packaging, again, connects the products to social media by employing the same colors usually associated with reggae music (green, yellow and red), just as Macka B, himself, also usually does.
Because Revolution Foods operates as an online retailer that ships its products to the consumer, besides being visually appealing, it’s also important for their packaging to be light, flexible and easily to transport. For companies that also ship their products to the consumer flexible stand-up pouches are an ideal packaging solution.
Revolution Foods is a prime example of a brand that is using a highly charismatic and entertaining brand ambassador to create viral videos that effectively market their moringa and protein powder packaging.
By using custom packaging designs and color schemes that feel genuine to Macka B’s image and music, the brand has attracted an audience base that values their dedication to authenticity and healthy products. Consistent “Wha Me Eat Wednesday” videos posted on a regular schedule also helps build recognition and ties the series into the names of the products themselves.
Further Reading:
- Retail Packaging: The Next Hot Social Media Trend?
- Using Product Packaging to Tap into the Millennial Mindset: NEW eBook
- Marketing Strategies for Protein Powder and Protein Powder Packaging
- Moringa: The Hot New Product Using Stand Up Pouches