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How To Market A New Food Product

marketing a new food productThe food and beverage industry is not for the faint of heart.  Nothing illustrates that point as well, perhaps, as the fact that only five of every 100 new products brought to market will end up having a market share of more than 1% after one year on the shelf.

Not only do you have to choose a market suitable for your product, you should conduct consumer testing, decide whether you are going to serve the mainstream or a niche market and, most importantly for the purpose of having your product tell its story, employ packaging designed to attract your target market.

Yes, one of the most important things to remember when addressing how to market a new food product is the packaging.  Because consumers have no point of reference, no relationship with the brand based on prior consumption,  your product must tell a story that persuades shoppers to abandon any loyalty they had for another product.  A strong first impression is imperative, failing which yours will likely not gain at least that 1% market share after the first year.

Stand up pouches are a successful solution to the challenge of how to marketing a new food productmarket a new food product.  Built by laminating together multiple layers of specially-formulated film, stand up pouches are strong, durable, waterproof and puncture-resistant.  Also known as stand up bags and Mylar® barrier bags, stand up pouches guard against spoilage by protecting food from moisture, odor and vapor.  At the same time, the barrier locks in freshness, flavor and aroma.

Stand up pouches offer a lesson in how to market a new food product.  The wide front and back panels conveniently accommodate your company labels.  Conversely, up to 10 colors can be custom-printed directly onto the bag exterior.  Transparent film is available to better display your food item.  You can combine any of these features, all of which serve to allow your new food product to tell its own story and stand apart from the competition.

Speaking of standing apart, stand up pouches stand up on the shelf.  Available hang holes provide retailers a second display option.  The result is that your new food product will make a strong first impression on that half of all shoppers who won't decide what to buy until standing in front of the store shelf.

How to market a new food product:   Stand up pouches will satisfy your appetite for market share.


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