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Do You Know the Impact that Social Media has on Your Business?

It’s no surprise that social media is a big part of our personal life but more importantly our professional life. Last Sunday’s blog discussed the importance on your online etiquette, now it’s time to see the numbers on how social media affects your business.

You may have noticed that you have been receiving a lot of feedback on social media sites from your customers raving about your product. (Why shouldn’t they? Your product is AMAZING!) You may not even realize how valuable that tweet or Facebook post about your product is until you see the numbers in black and white. Knowledge is power, knowing how your posts and your customers’ posts on your product affect your business will only help your company.

  • Marketers need to be on their game 24/7, making social media tactics and engagement information more valuable to marketers at least 88%, states the Social Media Examiner’s report.
  • What is more interesting is that the report also found that a whopping 89% of marketers stated that social media marketing was one of the top reasons for their increased exposure.

social 3Supporting this information that social media plays a big part in your company from HubSpot’s blog 18 Brand- Spanking New Social Media Marketing Stats.They were able to find articles and their own data, on the specific areas that social media affects in business not just the overall bottom line.


  • According to HubSpot’s findings; compared to the average lead conversion rate, social media rates 13% or higher!
  • The combined percentage of internet time and mobile internet time that is spent on social media sites in the U.S is 42% found by Experian
  • Making Nielsen’s findings that about 46% of those using the internet rely on social media when making their final decision on a purchase.

See? Your post on your product event, tweet about a happy customer and sharing that picture of your customers enjoying your product really does make a BIG difference for your company and brand.

Did you notice the similar results within your company? What did you find to be the most informative piece of data? Share your thought below.



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