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Join the Jerky Renaissance with Perfect Beef Jerky Packaging

httpwww.30poundsofapples.com.jpgThe snack food industry is booming thanks to changes in the way Americans are eating. New research shows younger consumers are consuming more snacks, and healthier options are giving people more reason to grab a quick bite instead of preparing large meals when hunger hits.

In fact, many consumers are redefining what exactly constitutes as a snack – no longer considered “junk food,” these prepackaged goods are the go-to option for busy, organic eaters and those who prefer convenience over cooking. (Image Source: httpwww.30poundsofapples.com)


Jerky is one snack food product that is seeing a huge rise in popularity. Consumers can expect to see these dried meats incorporated into more restaurant dishes, like pasta and pizza, and many may begin using jerk to spice up their own recipes at home. As snacking habits change, jerky fits in perfectly to new desires and demands. This is a portable, protein-rich snack that could fit into gluten-free or low-carb diets. Beef jerky may be the old standard, but turkey and bison jerky are also seeing a rise in consumption.

Beef_Jerky_Packaging.jpg(Image Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/)

With the so-called “jerky renaissance” in full swing, producers must place special attention on their beef jerky packaging and presentation.

Oxygen absorbersare an important part of packaging this type of food product, as they prevent the growth of harmful microorganisms and lead to a longer shelf life. Stand up pouches and barrier bags, made from multiple protective layers, contain oxygen absorbers and keep out moisture and vapor while keeping the product fresh.

Resealable and zip-lock closures are key for beef jerky packaging as more consumers take their snacks on the go and nibble on them throughout the day between meals. Since jerky is evolving and increasingly embraced by both young consumers and chefs, manufacturers need to think of new ways to market their product. Beef jerky packaging in stand up pouches and barrier bags provides the perfect canvas for rebranding and introducing new flavors and varieties of jerky.

Selecting custom printed pouches for beef jerky packaging can also help companies sell their offerings to the food service industry. Your food packaging can make a great first impression, and restaurants will be apt to start incorporating jerky into their recipes if it speaks to both the chefs and the consumers. Jerky is transforming and moving away from the “junk food” category and making great strides as a lean and healthy snack option. Selecting beef jerky packaging that is both FDA approved and environmentally friendly will help communicate the benefits of these tasty cured meats to consumers.food packaging

Finding the right kind of packaging for your jerky can help build your brand and become the go-to snack for today’s on-the-go customer. Choosing stand up pouches and barrier bags will solidify your jerky as the freshest around. This type of packaging gives food a longer shelf life, and it truly is a marketer’s dream. The material used helps photos and colors pop, catching shoppers’ attention and helping your brand become a staple both in retail stores and kitchens across the country.

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