Without a morning cup of Joe, many people across the United States would find it quite hard to wake up and start their day and for years we've heard about how many health benefits there are to drinking coffee. As the ultimate get up and go elixir, coffee’s importance to daily routines is well established in homes and businesses everywhere. Therefore, companies offering roasted coffee beans and ground
coffee must ensure that these beans are very fresh and protected in order to make it safely to their customers’ coffee pot.
For whole roasted beans, stand up bags are the perfect solution. Their rugged durability and insulating protection offer all the necessary elements to extend the shelf life of coffee beans until they reach the consumer. Multiple barrier film layers are laminated to create a stable pouch base while also protecting the beans from moisture, odor and light. The bags can even stand up to the natural oils within the beans that often wreak havoc on many other types of packaging designs and materials. Even more important, for those "roasters" out there that need a barrier bag to perform, meaning control the aroma and freshness of the coffee bean while still releasing the "outgasses" of a roasted coffee bean, this style of coffee packaging will perform and protect.
Ground coffee also needs vapor and puncture resistant packaging. Coffee pouches solve the problem by offering strength and durability that also protects grounds so that they also stay fresh longer. Because ground coffee tends to lose its flavor quickly, stand up pouches are all that’s needed to extend shelf life and attractively present the product to potential clients.
Our stock and custom stand up bags are all that’s needed to build your brand while increasing your sales at the same time. Contact us today to find out how using this innovative packaging will showcase your coffee and keep it fresh at the same time. Ready to learn more?