Just like glossy bags, we also offer matte stand up pouch bags. These bags are not shiny and offer a dull look, which can click with some customers.
Who should opt for matte stand up bags?
- Matte stand up bags are for businesses that want the surface of their packaging to retain its original roughness.
- Businesses that want to give an impression of ultra-professionalism might go for matte stand up bags.
- If your product targets highly educated professionals (doctors, lawyers, etc.) you may want matte because it is not too shiny or flashy.
What are the advantages of matte bags?
- Matte pouches do not have a blinding shine in sunlight.
- It is easier to read and recognize large fonts on matte printing.
- Matte printing is cheaper than gloss.
What are the disadvantages?
- The graphics are dull. It is hard to figure them out.
- It is not possible to make high quality images that retain their original colors.
- In the absence of a protective plastic layer, this printing is prone to text erosion.
- The corners and edges are vulnerable to tearing.
- Recognition of small fonts is hard.
- These bags are susceptible to damage from vapors.
Depending upon these factors, you can decide if you want to get gloss or matte finish for your pouch bags.