We are used to answering questions about our stand up pouch bags. In fact, we encourage questions because this helps customers realize how absolutely feasible it is for a company of any size to put their products into high quality pouch bags. Before we even answer any questions, it might even be best to state that no company should feel intimidated by the prospect of using stand up bags for their products. We work with companies of all sizes, including small ones that deal in very small runs of natural food products.
When they ask us if they need to order 50,000 or more bags, we tell them that while we hope that they will order that amount at a future time, if they need as few as 5,000, we can do runs as low as that.
If they ask if we can help with artwork, we tell them how we routinely create professional art for flexible food packaging and also modify artwork that is sent to us to create flexible packaging suited for the biggest of supermarkets. We also get a lot of other questions about our stand up bags, our process, and how quickly we can deliver our custom printed bags.
To learn about more of the answers we give for the many questions we receive, please see our site and reach out today.