Interesting article in recent Nutra-Ingredients publication about POM Wonderful...the quirky company making claims about the wonders and advantages of using pomegranate juice to fight heart disease and prostate problems. What this has to do with spouted stand up bags I'll get to in a second but long and short is instead or in place of providing proof that this pomegranate juice can do what it says it can do, this company has filed a lawsuit against the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) as a preemptive strike to provide more time making these claims without having to prove it. The FTC wants proof and POM Wonderful is basically saying they don't have it "yet" and need more time.
Big deal, right? This crap happens all the time you might be thinking. True, but one thing that is for certain is we are repeatedly reminded we have a limited amount of available resources here on Mother Earth to work with. And while the rigid bottle that holds the POM Wonderful juice looks interesting and certainly will grab someone's attention, this is a classic example of using way more packaging than is required.
I've mentioned several times about the 3 R's, Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle, and the most effective way to help our environment is to reduce the amount of packaging that is disposed of, shipped, stored, inventoried, etc.
Using spouted stand bags is one simple yet effective way to package a liquid product while helping our environment too. It uses 50-75% less plastic, takes up a fraction of the space, and is certainly cheaper than a plasiic bottle if you want to look at pure dollars and cents.
Spouted stand up bags are made from multiple layers of barrier film laminated together to create the strength and stability to hold the contents while standing effectively on a store shelf. Further, a spouted pouch provides way more available real estate for custom printing for brand building and for frankly telling everyone why the product is so great.
Europe and Asia have embraced spouted stand bags for a number of reasons, one being that their stores are smaller and they have less space. Here in North America, that trend is moving this way as retailers look at reducing the size of their stores and focus on selling those products that really make them money. Hint: if you aren't P&G or SC Johnson, you better be different, unique, and make a statement. Using spouted stand up pouches will make a statement about your feelings of our most precious asset and let you stand tall against the big boys in your industry too.
Want to look into the crystal ball of spouted pouches? See more click here