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Stand Up Bags and the Environment

Stand up bags are generally made using a number of layers. However, single layered foil pouches are also used. But the ones which are used the most are multi-layered pouches. Several layers provide strength to the package. Another reason for their popularity is that they are environment friendly.

The layers in a stand up bag are laminated together. These layers are made using different materials. Individually, these layers are not a threat to the environment, but when they are combined, they become heavier. And this may cause damage to the landfills where they ultimately end up. To make sure that pouches do not harm the environment, use the 3 Rs- reduce, reuse, and recycle.

These pouches are far better than other packaging material. They are small and lightweight and thus do not make up a lot of waste. Cardboard is made out of paper and is not environment friendly. Also, it is heavier than an average sized stand up bag. Along with this, stand up bags are used as alternatives to glass bottles. These bottles weigh nearly twenty times more than a stand up bag.

This makes these pouches the best choice for green packaging. Food pouch manufacturers at standuppouches.net take care to make their pouches eco friendly.



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