The flexible packaging market includes a variety of stand up bags. However, the most popular one is the stand-up pouch, which is used for the packaging of various household products. These packs give any product an attractive look while keeping the item inside safe from atmospheric gases and microbes.
There are three common types of bottom gussets:
- Round Bottom Gusset – Probably the most commonly used bottom gusset, it is ideal for products that weigh less than a pound. In a round bottom gusset, the edge and the supporting wall are joined together to hold up the package and allow it to “stand” in a vertical position.
- K-Seal Bottom – K Seal gussets are used for products that are heavier than a pound. Here, the seal rises at an angle of 30 degrees from the bag on both sides. This makes the package stress free, and so it is able to support extra volume.
- Plow Bottom – The other name for these pouches is corner seal. This style is popular for packaging salt, sugar, and other granular items. The packaging is done in such a way that these gussets can be kept directly on the kitchen-shelves. provide thebest pouches for food and beverage packaging have altered the face of consumer packaging and we can consider them to be a modern version of the traditional jar, only more convenient.