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3 Keys to Choosing the Right Stock Stand-Up Pouch Supplier


Stock stand up pouches continue to be used in regularity throughout the retail industry.  Whether the items being packaged are roasted nuts, snacks, flour, pet treats or spices, the convenience of this type of protective packaging cannot be understated.  Stock stand up pouches come in a number of sizes and colors, as well as materials.  Speaking of materials, clear structures, metalized film, foil, and now even kraft paper (along with combinations of these) are laminated together to create bags for freshness that not only protect the contents but stand erect on a store shelf.  This standing on a store shelf and stock stand up pouches go hand-in-hand of course but in reality it is the wide face and back of this packaging that enables this style to act as a retail billboard for your product and company.  Here you can tell the world why your product tastes so great, is good for you, etc.  Many companies when just starting out will apply a label to the pouches and over time the labels will be replaced with custom printing as they are much more efficient and cheaper than the labels and the labor it takes to apply them.  Let me be clear on this.  Stock pouches with an applied label for quantities less than 5000 pieces will be the best alternative, however custom printed pouches will be much cheaper when over 5000 pieces.

We’ve been in the protective packaging business for over 30 years.  We are often asked what separates companies that sell stock stand up pouches and other bags for freshness and we have determined there are 3 main reasons or areas.

  1. Quality. It should start and end with quality but often it does not.  Many companies will try to cut corners with their materials, using thinner films and foils to save a few pennies.  The target range for the right thickness on stock stand up pouches is between 4.5 and 5.5 mils thick.  If your supplier isn’t providing this type of thickness, you run the risk not only of the barrier properties of the pouches themselves not being what you need but also the bags not being strong and robust enough to stand effectively.  Another thing to keep in mind regarding quality is the seals your supplier is using.  Stock stand up pouches are made to hold any number of products and seals that are very tiny and thin run the risk of splitting and breaking.  Consider seals for stock stand up pouches that are 3/8 to ¼ inch wide.
  2. This drives me crazy when companies that say they sell bags for freshness like stand up pouches and refuse to carry enough inventory and allow their clients to waffle and fret until they get a new supply.  Consider finding a supplier that has a wide selection and considerable quantity on hand for immediate release.  You never know when a spike in sales or an unexpected order could happen and having a supplier who can ship to you that day or whenever you need could make or break your retail success.  Further, find a supplier who actually wants your business!  This sounds silly but it is true.  We hear from customers all the time who say their existing supplier never returned their call or refused to overnight pouches when they desperately needed them…or they overcharged them because it was a rush shipment.  You shouldn’t be penalized for being a customer.
  3. Does your food packaging supplier guarantee their quality and their work?  Do they use only FDA food grade material and are they able to show you that documentation?  Stock stand up pouches are your retail salespeople when you cannot be there in person (because you can’t be everywhere).  Find a supplier who stands behind their work and just as important, wants you to succeed. 

As mentioned before, stock stand up pouches come in a variety of sizes and colors.  However, all should come with robust and heavy duty ziplocks and deep tear notches.  Some companies will provide rounded corners and even hang holes as part of their protective packaging.  Always get samples before placing your order.

In closing, I hope this was helpful.  You are and should be treated as a partner with your supplier.  You should be able to count on your stock stand up pouches vendor to support you and help you and even promote you to their network of customers and vendors and even employees.  Quality matters, so does having inventory and a supplier that stands behind their work…if you don’t have this type of relationship with your current supplier, consider finding a new one.  Remember, it’s your product, package it properly.

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