By rethinking your packaging, that's how. Think about it. What if you could retail your stuffing mix in a package that is so innovative, so functional and so convenient that consumers automatically identify it with your brand?
Stand up pouches provide that opportunity to you. Also known as stand up bags, stand bags, custom printed stand pouches and Mylar™ bags, stand up pouches are constructed by laminating together multiple layers of scientifically

Your brand will be enhanced by how effectively you can actually brand, so to speak, stand up pouches. The bag design creates front and back panels wide enough to provide ample space to affix labels, to apply custom printing of text and graphics in up to 10 colors, or to combine the two. Whatever you choose, your ingredients, company information, language promoting your other product lines or even a cause your company supports will be on full display.
Speaking of display, stand up pouch stuffing mix packaging provides the retailer options for displaying your brand. As the name implies, stand up pouches stand up on the shelf and, as a result, stand out from the competition. Round or sombrero-style hang holes provide a display alternative.
For those consumers who consider a company's policies regarding the environment a priority, stand up pouches take up very little space in landfills. What's even better is that stand up pouches are recyclable. Either way, your brand will appeal to the 'green' consumer, giving them comfort that choosing your stuffing mix helps them reduce their consumptive waste.
Stand up pouch stuffing mix packaging. Traditional style, gluten free, or somewhere in between...for brand recognition that will create festive holiday sales! Learn more here!