If you think coffee is big business, just look at the tea industry. It’s becoming a global phenomenon worth hundreds of billions of dollars on the international market. That includes ready-to-drink tea as well as traditional tea leaves and bags. So tea packaging is becoming an important consideration in the minds of producers.
The double packaging approach of encasing cardboard with plastic is fast becoming obsolete. First of all, the process of producing folded cardboard boxes is too intensive. Plus, once the flimsy plastic comes off, there is no way to keep the tea fresh. And there is more of a chance of spillage with an easily crumpled cardboard box. Stand up bags offer the best way to save space and money while also maintaining a freshness guarantee.
Any tea drinker will tell you it’s easy to spot the difference between stale and fresh tea. From the first sip, they know whether the tea leaves or bags have been exposed to the air – even if the package has only been open for a week!
Besides the freshness benefits of foil pouches, there’s also a huge savings in cost and waste. It’s great for tea drinkers to know the goodness they are sipping is ethically packaged and transported from retailers to their tea cups.