Here we are in year 2017, accompanied by self driving cars, cell phones that replace computers and an avocado holder invention that stops your other, uneaten half from browning.
And still, it amazes me that cereal is still being packaged in those cardboard boxes that rip, without a doubt, and are sure to never keep your cereal from going stale. What's up with that? Why haven't companies like Kellogg's or General Mills embraced the year of 2017 where we are all far better than packaging cereal in useless cardboard boxes? Your guess is as good as mine.
Every other industry in the food space has evolved their packaging to the changing demands of different generations. We all know that millennials now hold the largest buying power out of every generation. Millennials like things fast and convenient, so top companies have adjusted their packaging to be just that. Look at Campbell's with their new soup packaging:
And what about Daisy's new sour cream packaging?:
OR! What about Gatorade's new whey protein single serve pouches?:
Why has every other industry BUT cereal caught on? I would be shocked if these massive cereal companies haven't held focus groups, and if they have, why haven't they taken their own customers' advice?
We recently had an independent testing lab conduct research on cereal packaging. The results aren't shocking.
A whopping 82% of all consumers surveyed stated that a product's packaging influences their decision to purchase a product.
We then went on to show consumers that there are, in fact, better ways to package cereal! Introducing the flexible box bag/flat bottom bag/bag like a box/bag that looks like a cereal box but actually a bag/bag that looks like a box, acts like a box, but isn't actually a box/you get the point!
Who's out there buying cereal anyway? 92% of all American households! And guess what? Most of those people buying the cereal are parents of young children who have a very difficult time opening up a cereal box without completely obliterating the packaging. Then it's mom and dad's job to clean up the mess and repackage the cereal in a better, reclosable container.
"I can never get the box to close back after my kids rip it open. And transferring to cereal tuperware is too much work. Great idea!"
"A reclosable bag keeps the product fresher longer and is better at showing you that you need to buy more. Mess free and less recyclable waste."
"I believe the reclosable bag would take up less room on the pantry shelves and that would be great."
"I always wondered why companies didn't make the bags reclosable. I would definitely choose that option."
WHY IS THIS NOT HAPPENING? Can anyone tell me? Kellogg's? General Mills? Post? Anyone?! The proof is in the pudding, folks, and pudding has it, cereal packaging is outdated and needs refreshed. See the results here for yourself: