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Exploring Different Types of Stand-Up Bags for Your Needs

There are different types of bottom gussets, and all of these are used to keep food fresh for a long time. Different standup food pouches are used for different types of food products. Here are some common types of bottom gussets that you can find at Standup Pouches.

  • Round bottom gusset: This plastic pouch has a round base and is specially designed with the edge fixed to both supporting walls. This structure gives extra support to the pouch, and this is why these bags are very commonly used in the industry. They are best for products under one pound of weight.
  • K seal gusset: If you want to store something that exceeds one pound of weight, you should try the K seal gusset. In this pouch, the bottom line looks like an inverted K, and it rises at 30o angles. It allows the bag to hold more volume without any extra load on the seals.
  • Plow bottom gusset: This bag has corner seals and the pouch is able to stand up using the weight of the product. This way, the product stored in the pouch sits on the shelf directly. These pouches are good for heavier products.
  • Flat bottom side gusset: This packaging is best for heavy products. Since the bottom is flat, it takes the shape of a box.  It is relatively new to the industry and this is why many clients are attracted to its innovative style.

Depending upon your requirements and budget, you can select the right standup bags for your needs.


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