Perhaps one of healthiest products around is vegetable juice. Available in more varieties than ever (much more than those famous 8), almost all vegetable juice is nutritious and delicious. The challenge to the producer, then, is to convince the consumer that not all brands are alike. In other words, you, the producer and/or distributor must build a strong vegetable juice brand if you are to compete successfully in the marketplace.
To persuade the consumer that not all vegetable juices are created equal,

Laminating together multiple layers of scientifically designed barrier film results in a package design that has a stable base and sturdy sides, yet is flexible enough to mold to smaller storage space the emptier it becomes. Available screw caps and pour spouts make for ease of use for virtually every family member.
Also called spouted stand bags, stand up bags, custom printed spouted pouches, spouted stand up pouches are designed to preserve the freshness of any vegetable juice and its nutritional properties. The design of the bags protect the contents from vapor, moisture, light and odor and prevent against spillage and spoilage.
Spouted stand up pouches provide a great way to brand your brand as well. The bag construction yields wide front and back panels for application of labels, custom printing of text and graphics in up to 10 colors, or a combination of both. Whatever your marketing department chooses, you'll be able to offer information about your vegetable juice(s), your company and even your other product lines.
If you want the consumer to identify your brand with sustainability and environmentally sound policies, spouted stand up bags meet your need. Recyclable, they also take up very little space in landfills. Either way, your 'green' customer will be pleased.
Spouted stand up pouch vegetable juice packaging-a healthy way to build your brand.