Folded cartons, glass bottles, cans, and plastic bottles are popular packaging mediums for liquids. Manufacturers use them to package cold drinks, coffee, juices, alcoholic beverages, and other liquids. They can also be used to package non-food products including fuels, oils, and cleaners. They are the old dogs of liquid packaging whose use has been continuous since the early 20th century.
A drink manufacturer, Capri Sun, experimented with a new packaging medium in the 1960s. The firm used stand up bags for the first time in the United States. The use of stand up pouch bags did not catch up immediately. It took three decades for the industry in this country to appreciate the advantages (lower costs, more flexibility, attractive designs) that stand up pouches offer over other packaging options.
Under pressure from environmental groups, and in a desperate need to cut costs in the face of a tough competition, American businesses are increasingly turning to pouch bags. These flexible pouches offer many advantages over other packaging mediums. Among them are:
(1) Environment friendly
Stand up pouches are environment friendly. It takes fewer resources and less energy to produce stand up pouches than plastic bottles and other packaging mediums. Use of fewer resources directly translates into lesser hunting for precious raw materials. Use of less energy means the production of stand up pouches exudes less carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the environment.
(2) Spout customization
Plastic bottles are bland. Nearly all of them are cylindrical with a conical top. In contrast, stand up pouches offer a wealth of designs to choose from. This goes for the choice of spouts too. Businesses can customize spouts for their intended audience – be it the sports people or children in school.
(3) Low cost of manufacturing
Businesses save money with stand up pouches. Stand up pouches are cheaper to produce because they are less resource hungry. Businesses do not have to spend an exorbitant amount to procure raw materials. Businesses can opt for stand up pouches without spouts. Also, a plastic jar cost between 45 and 50 cents. Businesses can buy three stand up pouches for this money, essentially tripling their packaging capacity without increasing expenses.
(4) Highly customized printing
Stand up pouches have a huge front and a broad back. Together these surfaces offer a large real estate for highly customized, professional, and intricate printing. Custom printing on stand up pouches is less expensive and less labor intensive than on tin cans and other packaging mediums.
Try the standup juice and coffee pouches. You will never look back!