We know what a big decision it is to finally decide who you want to create your stand up pouch bags for you. We know that you probably had a lot of questions along the way, and a lot of concerns about your pouch bags. But, now you’ve ordered them. All of the decisions have been made, and you just have to sit and wait for your order, right? Well, maybe, but maybe not. You may still have a lot of questions, and that’s why we’ve created this YouTube video to answer them for you.
In this video you’ll get an inside look at what the rest of the process looks like – the steps that occur after you place your order. How long does it take to create your order for you? What’s involved with shipping, and how long will that take? How many flexible pouches will you get at one time? These are just a few of the most common questions we receive after customers place their orders for our stand up pouches, and that’s why we’ve created this video.
If you’ve already placed an order with us, or you just want to know more about this part of the process, watch the video and then call us if you have any more questions. We’re happy to answer them, just as we’re happy to help along every step of the way when you order your stand up pouches from us.