For our money, flexible barrier bags for baby food is your best bet. When we say flexible barrier bags we're referring to a specific type of protective packaging that includes stand up pouches, spouted stand up pouches, flat bottom bags, and flat 3 side seal bags, to name a few.
They are constructed of multiple layers of scientifically-formulated, FDA-approved, food grade film that are laminated together. This process yields a package that is strong, durable, puncture-resistant, so much so that it will protect your brand from vapor, odor, moisture, pests (!) and, if necessary, extra air and/or light. (It should be noted that the design and construction of flexible baby food packaging will also preserve your brand's shelf life by sealing in freshness, flavor, and your product's nutritional properties.
The safety of your product line doesn't stop when your customer opens the package, however. These types of protective packaging have optional zip lock closures available, ensuring safe and secure storage until the next use. A pour spout and resealable cap combination is available for liquid baby food products.
Storing flexible protective packaging is convenient as well. Like most other types baby food packaging, they stand up on the shelf, so they store easily in the kitchen cupboard or refrigerator or even in a backpack of diaper bag. And, since it's extra-strong and puncture resistant, consumers can take these barrier bags wherever they go. Compare that with the risk encountered when transporting glass jars, the traditional baby food packaging.
Flexible protective packaging is even safe for the environment. Sure, it's recyclable, but we all know most consumers don't recycle on a consistent basis. It's fortunate, then, that although this type of baby food packaging is made from multiple film layers, some styles actually require up to 15 percent less material to make than other types of protective packaging. This helps the environment in several ways: