Here at, we always want to make sure our customers are going to be very happy with the final stand up pouch bags they receive. In order to do this, we must provide proofs to the customer of the pouch bags showing them the artwork, the colors, and to ensure that the bag looks exactly how the customer wants. But we’re often asked why the colors on the stand up packaging don’t exactly match the samples that the customer gave us to begin with.
The answer to that question is somewhat complicated, but is broken down in easy to understand terms in this YouTube video. Basically, the disconnect between colors is because of our sample printing machine. This printing machine, which is just one of many we have, is a film proof machine and therefore, cannot match exact colors. It will get the color closest to the sample we were given, but it won’t be exact. Once the proof has been approved by the customer, those bags will then be printed on another printing machine, and this is when the exact color will be used. The film proof is only used during the proofing process, and customer needn’t worry that they won’t get the colors they initially requested.
To learn more about our process and what it entails, watch the video and then contact us if you have questions or would like to place an order. We’ll always get you the pouches you want, and they’ll always be to your exact specifications.