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Why Use Stand Up Pouches to Package Dog Food?

Dog food comes packaged in several packaging mediums, including stand up pouches. Manufacturers are increasingly using these pouches because they offer some enviable advantages over other packaging mediums -

(1) Fresh and secure dog food

Dog treat packaging requires stand up pouch bags that can keep the food fresh and secure it from a range of environmental and human hazards. Stand up bags are made from several layers of plastic and other materials. Together they provide a robust protection to dog food. StandUpPouches.net manufactures its stand up bags from FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved food grade materials. These materials are certified and tested to keep dog food safe.

(2) Dog friendly

Stand up pouches are more dog friendly than tin cans. Since these bags don’t have rough corners, they cannot hurt dogs. In contrast, improperly opened tin cans with rough edges jeopardize a dog's safety, as a dog can injure his mouth or other parts from it. People have to take great care when their dogs are eating directly from tin cans. Not a lot of care is required in case of stand up pouches, and they can be used to feed a dog safely. Just take care that your dog doesn’t swallow them.

Stand up bags are undoubtedly the best for pet food packaging. Make sure you get the best options for your pet treats.


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