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What a cool product…see Seventh Generation. A paper outer shell and a recycled plastic inner container. The idea is to make it easy to disassemble when the container is finished being used and the paper can be recycled and the plastic inner can be Eco Logicrecycled. Great idea…but how effective is it? Some companies love it…actually having an eco paper shell is a huge selling point, but there are limits, like printing capability versus a water-based label, etc.

EcoLogic is a very innovative idea and has lots of potential for anything currently in bottles…like liquids and soaps, etc. It also has a tremendous opportunity to compete with the rigid jars and larger containers used for protein powder and powders in general.

One of the biggest battles is finding ways for packaging to be easily recycled.  Eco Logic is a 2 piece construction, the outer shell of paper and the inner bottle/bladder.  Both can be separated.

Eco LogicEcoLogicECOLOGIC


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