OK plastic haters, environmentalists…Biden has eliminated all plastic, single use, recyclable, etc…the entire “plastic faucet” has been turned off.
Oh wait…you weren’t talking about life or death plastic items…or using plastic is ok if you or your family member needs medical or emergency care?
Oh, I see…just the non-essential items…so let’s go back to…
Turn off the plastic faucet, save the oceans and animals, use more steel, glass, paper and aluminum! Few things…plastics are NOT the problem, We (you and me) are the problem. Eliminate the plastic faucet you say?? OK, we now have a faucet of paper?
Solution…if the government can fund Intel and semiconductor production, they could certainly fund high tech collecting, sorting, and recycling of plastic, single use and beyond. Not some willy nilly rag tag operation that only works in some places and not others. Do Something that actually works and will make a difference.
OK plastic haters…now what?